The Me! Essence Story
The custom-made essence of YOU that unlocks your true potential, supports your well-being, and connects you to your pet.
This is how it began, with an incredibly charged, grief-filled question. What if an essence could help with the loss of a specific animal companion? What if it could go deeper than other essences to help a being feel less alone and more connected to that particular animal? To know that this animal is okay, to gain a deeper understanding of the events that led to the animal crossing into the spirit, transmute guilt, to help repair the gaping hole - the one that feels like you’ve been ripped apart, to feel peace. What if….
I’d taken all the essences for grief, even trained to be an End-of-Life Pet Doula, done all the work, found my triggers, and learned how each loss brought me back to a time when I was a teenager and my life was torn apart. I’d come nearly full circle, cleared much of that trauma, and yet I still wondered, what if? What if an essence of one’s animal companion could help the experience be easier and maybe even transmute earlier trauma? What if...

That’s when the Me! essence was born. I made several, including those of the two newest and most traumatic losses, and gave them to our cat, Balu. He was still quite young at the time, barely out of kittenhood. He arrived into our lives terrified of humans after losing each of his family members one by one. He took essences from the beginning and quickly began asking for essences all the time. Just as he started to gain some confidence, he suddenly lost his two closest buddies, one after the other. The grief was overwhelming, and he took a series of essence combinations that brought him close to wholeness, but still not quite there. After only a few rounds of his friends’ Me! essences, I watched as Balu suddenly transformed into a balanced, independent, and confident cat. The rainbow bridge pet essence was born.
Then I began to wonder if I could make essences of our cats while they were still fully alive and in their bodies. My sister suggested that it might help them to take their own essences. I made essences of each of our five cats and one of myself. I nearly cried the first time I held my bottle. It was like encountering an old friend, a version of myself that I forgot ever existed. One that was whole, carefree, and fully enjoyed life. When I wrote this, I’d been taking my own essence for seven months and felt like a new person - the way I had felt before. It was a soul retrieval empowered by my own personal quintessence. The Me! essence for those who want to fully embrace their lives was born.
Soon after, it became apparent that our eldest cat, Asha, was close to transitioning. I began taking her essence, and after she crossed, I included her essence in a mix that addressed my personal triggers. During the first twenty-four hours, I felt defeated. Then, I began to receive Asha’s wisdom and view things from her point of view. My grief was quickly transmuted to peace, understanding, acceptance, and gratitude for her place in my life. So different from the deep depression I would normally go into. Asha’s essence was the key.
What if?